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Reminder: Erase Information Off Devices Before Selling


          This sounds like a no brainer right?  It's common sense, so why am I telling you?  Well it's because people don't realize how dangerous it can be to not delete everything off a hard drive.  It came to me after I bought a used Xbox 360 hard drive.  I went on it to start moving my files from my old hard drive to the new one.  And I noticed that there were two credit cards on it.  Now if I was some thief that would be like finding a gold mine.  But it's not only game console hard drives that you should worry about, but any type: external, cell phones, computers, even media players.  Sometimes we don't realize how personal our devices are and they can quickly be used in the wrong manner.  I know I don't want to see a surprising bill of $5000 dollars worth of games and music that I didn't purchase.  Also this a good time to rethink what we put in our portable devices.
          Have any questions or comments please leave them.  Thanks for reading.


I actually gave a cell phone to a friend of mine and forgot to erase the text messages...there was no risk of stolen identity but all my secrets were out.

Oh, i'm sure you were ahppy when you realized that. haha

I keep looking for a laptop on Craigslist and people advertise the presence of MSOffice, Limewire(?!), etc. as selling points - any device I sell would get wiped clean. It's surprising how unsavvy people are with regards to computers especially, seeing as they often hold the most precious info.

@ Darce

Exactly! I would definitely be careful buying a computer that has Limewire on it at any time. Something tells me there may be a virus on it as well.

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